Magic Within A Simple Flower
As the summer sunflowers blossomed, I knew this sweet mother and me vision I created would be breathtaking! As soon as This sweet family arrived at the farm, prepping her baby the session by feeding and changing his diaper, I watched as the sun gleamed on this little ladies blonde hair as she walks around searching for bubble flowers. The whole session included these amazing bubble flowers, blackberries running through the sunflower aisles, and the imagination of a 2-year-old. What is a bubble flower you might be wondering? Or you may have guessed it already…it is a dandelion ready to spread its seeds but to a 2-year-old princess, they are the most magical flower!
I absolutely love seeing what toddlers come up with that is entertaining and fun. As a toddler mom, I am able to observe and adapt to get the best portraits for your family like this young lady who adores bubble flowers!