Five essentail tips when getting ready for Professional portraits with Cecilia Adalynn Photography
Family photo sessions are a great way to capture memories that will last a lifetime. However,
many parents dread the thought of getting their children dressed and prepared for the shoot. The
truth is, with proper preparation, family photography sessions can be fun and enjoyable for
everyone involved. In this article hosted by Cecilia Adalynn Photography, we will explore five
tips to help you prepare your family for a professional photography session so that the pictures
capture the beauty of your family perfectly.
Tip #1: Pack Smart
When getting ready for a family photography session, it’s always a good idea to bring extra
clothing and snacks. Children can get messy and may need to change clothes during the session,
and snacks can keep everyone’s energy levels up. Make sure to pack things that are easy to eat
and won’t make a mess, so that you don’t have to worry about spills or stains.
Tip #2: Schedule the Session After Naptime
Plan the photography session around your child’s nap time. A tired child is never fun to work
with, and a full night’s sleep the night before will help keep everyone in better spirits.
Additionally, timing the session after naptime can help avoid meltdowns and allow you to
capture the best possible photographs.
Tip #3: Talk to Young Children About the Process Beforehand
It's natural for young children to feel shy when meeting a new person, especially one with a big camera. Before the session, talk to your young children about the process and what’s going to happen. Show them pictures of other families and let them know what to expect. This can help your child feel more comfortable and make the session go much more smoothly.
Tip #4: Explore Outdoor Environments Before the Shoot
If you are shooting outside, it’s a great idea to explore the area beforehand to make sure it is safe
and comfortable. Look for places with good lighting and plenty of space for your family to move around. Talking a walk through the location can help your children feel more comfortable and give them an opportunity to explore the area and relax.
Tip #5: Think About the Types of Creative Projects You Can Make
After the photography session, consider what you can do with the photos. Adobe Express is an excellent tool for creating creative projects with your family photographs, such as a personalized family photo album or a custom wall canvas. Thinking about what you can create with your photos can make the experience even more enjoyable and fulfilling. Here are a few things you can do with Adobe's tools:
● Share your big news with the world by creating a custom baby announcement! This is so
easy with Adobe’s tools, and you can choose from a variety of colors and fonts to
personalize the final look. This is perfect whether you’re about to give birth or want to
send out photos of your newborn.
● Make a Facebook story that highlights your favorite moment from your family portrait
session. This is a great way to share your beautiful day with friends and loved ones.
Customize your story using this free tool.
● Whether you’ve taken a great family shot or a newborn photo, you can utilize those
images to create a stunning Father’s Day card. This is a perfect way to get creative and
show someone special how loved they are. Customize the card with your choice of fonts
and designs.
● You can make a fun thank-you card, holiday card, or greeting card using your family
photos. This is easy to do with Adobe’s free tools. Just choose the template you like and start customizing!
Now that you know how to prepare your family for a professional photography session, you can
relax knowing that you are doing everything possible to make the experience enjoyable for
everyone. Remember to pack extra clothing and snacks, schedule the session after nap time, talk
to young children about the process beforehand, explore the outdoor environment before the
shoot, and think about the types of creative projects you can make with your photos. With these
tips, you can capture beautiful family photos that will become treasured memories for years to